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About The Project

We take immense pride in our work on the East Coast Migrant Head Start Project, an educational campus dedicated to delivering childhood education, nutrition, and comprehensive health services to the children of migrant and seasonal farm workers. Our involvement in this remarkable project encompassed several key components, including:

Site Transformation: We commenced the project with site clearing, excavating, and grading over 6 acres of land, ensuring a solid foundation for the educational campus.

Setting Modular Buildings: Our team expertly set up modular buildings, seamlessly integrating them into the landscape, and created a super steel structure and deck, providing durability and functionality.

Aesthetic Excellence: We took special care in building striking concrete columns, not only ensuring structural integrity but also enhancing the overall visual appeal of the project.

Our commitment to excellence shines through in every aspect of the East Coast Migrant Head Start Project. We are honored to have played a role in making this vital educational resource a reality.

Project Details


East Coast Migrant Head Start Project


55 Old Blossom Fairy Road
Rocky Point, NC 28457

Project Manager:

Bob Morgan

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